Boiler repair services

We have a wide range of services in the repair of fire-tube and water-tube boilers and their auxiliary equipment.

VR Ingeniería offers a wide range of services for power plant boilers, fire-tube and water-tube boilers, and their auxiliary equipment, regardless of the original manufacturer.

Power boilers

  • Supply and repair of main tube banks.

  • Finned Wall Repair

  • Supply and repair of economizers with bare or finned tubes, with extruded aluminum or steel fins of the helical type or in H or double H.
  • Replacement of superheaters and desuperheater tubing.

  • Repair of main steam lines.

  • Installation and repair of refractories and insulation .

  • Assistance in blowing, starting, and tuning the steam system .

  • End pipe reduction and bending.
  • Upgrade de sobrecalentadores y economizadores:

We have the design software tools to update superheaters, desuperheaters, and economizers to new operating conditions, allowing to increase steam production and electrical energy generated.

With great success we have replaced economizers built with bare tubes or with longitudinal fin with equipment built with steel fin pipes in H or double H, allowing, in the same space to install a greater area of heat transfer; In addition to this, there is the advantage of a fin that gets less dirty when operating with fuels such as coal or biomass.

Firetube boilers

  • Repair and maintenance of pressurized components.
  • Rotating component maintenance (fans, pumps, etc.).
  • Fan balancing.
    Inspection and maintenance of the electrical and control system.
  • Inspection, maintenance, and adjustment of the combustion system.
  • Traveling grate stoker maintenance.
  • Evaluation of the environmental control system.