Innovation and Quality in Industrial Equipment

We specialize in the design and manufacturing of industrial equipment for the oil and gas, biomass, industrial, and energy sectors. We contribute to the country’s energy and social transition.

Innovation and Quality in Industrial Equipment

Our business lines

We address the needs of various economic sectors with comprehensive solutions, from small projects to the most complex ones. Our experience and capabilities ensure innovative results that drive growth and efficiency in every industry.

About Us

We have nearly 40 years of exploration and learning to support our clients and turn their ideas into successful projects.

Each of our products is the result of the hard work of our talented R&D&I team (Research, Development, and Innovation).

Our commitment to excellence

We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards and, as a result, we work according to API, NACE, and TEMA standards. Additionally, we hold ASME, NBBI, and RETIE certifications, ensuring excellence in all our products. In parallel, our ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certifications ensure quality, safety, and environmental respect.

Through the implementation of our AQM (Advanced Quality Management) methodology, we showcase our extensive experience and strong commitment to continuous improvement.

Our Parnerships

It is an honor for us to have participated in important projects of prominent Colombian and foreign companies in multiple sectors of the economy.

Human Resources

Professionals committed to excellence, continuous training, and social progress. Noted for their passion, ethics, and transparency in their work.


We offer boiler repair services and specialized work through our highly skilled and experienced team of experts.

Contact us

We are here to assist you at any time through multiple channels, ready to address your questions and needs efficiently.

Soy Héctor Ricaurte, socio fundador y gerente general de la compañía, y quiero agradecer su visita a nuestro sitio web.

Llevamos más de 30 años esforzándonos por ser cada día mejores y suministrar a nuestros clientes productos y servicios de la mejor calidad. Hoy no tengo duda de que los productos que vendemos
son tan confiables, eficientes y durables como los mejores hechos en cualquier lugar del mundo.

Ponemos a su disposición un equipo humano experimentado, con alta vocación de servicio al cliente y apoyado en nuestra
metodología AQM (Advanced Quality Management), para garantizarle soluciones confiables de la mejor calidad.

Cuente usted con nuestra experiencia, experticia y búsqueda de excelencia para darnos la oportunidad de transformar sus ideas en proyectos exitosos.

Si ya es cliente nuestro, gracias por su confianza.
Si aún no lo es, bienvenido: Seguro que se sentirá a gusto trabajando con nosotros.