Boiler Deaerators

Deaerators for Boilers

We supply Spray-Tray type deaerators with capacities ranging from 3.5 ton/h up to 500 ton/h. The deaerators are manufactured in accordance with ASME code, section VIII, div. 1, and HEI (Heat Exchange Institute) recommendations for design and manufacture of Tray type deaerators.
Oxygen levels are guaranteed at any loading condition below 7 ppb.
They are supplied as a package unit, including instrumentation and control system.

Boilers of High Quality Certified

All our boilers are designed and manufactured under the guidelines of the ASME Section I code and meet the highest quality standards, making them the most reliable and durable on the market.



Manufacturing and Assembly of Pressure Vessels and Boilers


(National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors): reparación

ISO 9001 2015

ISO 9001:2015
Gestión de Calidad

ISO 14001 2015

ISO 14001:2015
Gestión Ambiental

ISO 45001 2018

ISO 45001:2018
Gestión de Seguridad y
Salud Ocupacional

Our Valuable Client Portfolio

Here is a brief list of clients who have trusted our expertise and quality in boiler development

Success Stories

Contac us

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Feel free to reach out to us. We are ready to help you with whatever you need.