Energy sector

VR Ingeniería offers a wide range of services for power plant power boilers and their auxiliary equipment, regardless of the original manufacturer. We offer parts for power boilers, such as tube banks, superheaters, economizers, air preheaters, desuperheaters, and refractories.

We are specialists in upgrades of steam generating units, modifying superheaters, desuperheaters, economizers and casings, adjusting them to the most recent designs. When the fireplace and the combustion system allow increasing the fuel burning capacity, we can increase its steam generation capacity, for this we modify the original designs, in the case of the economizers, we use the latest generation finned pipes and we adjust superheaters and desuperheaters, allowing to increase the capacity of the boilers as far as the hearth and the combustion system allow it.

Our clients

It is an honor for us to have participated in important projects of prominent Colombian and foreign companies in multiple sectors of the economy.