Boilers for biomass

Eco-friendly Thermal Solutions

Energy Transition

The disproportionate use of fossil fuels is harming the environment. The burning of these fuels contributes to climate change and air pollution. At VR Ingeniería, we offer an eco-friendly solution for generating steam from biomass, supporting the transition to renewable and sustainable energy sources.

1 Reduccion del CO2

CO₂ Reduction
Fewer Harmful Emissions

2 Energia renovable

Renewable Energy
Biomass Utilization

3 Compromiso ambiental

Environmental Commitment
Eco-friendly Solutions

4 Progreso social

Environmental Commitment
Eco-friendly Solutions

Benefits of biomass boilers

At VR Ingeniería, we have been passionately and committedly analyzing, designing, manufacturing, and improving environmentally responsible combustion systems for various biomasses for nearly 40 years. Thanks to our VR Boiler CAD tool, we enhance our response time and offer customized solutions addressing specific factors such as moisture content, calorific value, and chemical composition.

Beneficios de las calderas biomasa v3 8

Energy Optimization System that Maximizes Combustion and Heat Transfer Efficiency


Robust and Reliable Design that Ensures Very High Machine Availability


Optimized design to increase operational availability, extending time between interventions. Highly reliable auxiliary and control equipment from well-known brands with local support.

100% Automatic

Minimal Human Intervention

Low installation costs

Package-type Fire-tube Heat Recovery Unit or Tube Bank, Transportable and Easy to Install, Reducing Costs and Risks of Assembly

Combustion quality

Clean, Complete Combustion and Optimal Flue Gas Temperature in the Furnace, Minimizing Fouling in the Convective Zones


Boilers Designed, Manufactured, and Stamped According to ASME Code Sec I
National Board Registration


Fully Automatic Control System with State-of-the-Art Equipment Making Operation, Monitoring, and Control an Easy and Enjoyable Experience

Low emissions

Unbeatable combustion system and auxiliary equipment that guarantee compliance with environmental standards.

Optimization of electricity consumption

Advanced control logic with frequency variation ensures the lowest energy consumption in pumps and fans.

Tipo de caldera Media presion 8

Energy Optimization System that Maximizes Combustion and Heat Transfer Efficiency

Robust and Reliable Design that Ensures Very High Machine Availability

Optimized Design to Increase Operational Availability by Extending Intervals Between Interventions, with High-Reliability Auxiliary and Control Equipment from Recognized Brands with Local Support

Minimal Human Intervention

Package-type Fire-tube Heat Recovery Unit or Tube Bank, Transportable and Easy to Install, Reducing Costs and Risks of Assembly

Clean, Complete Combustion and Optimal Flue Gas Temperature in the Furnace, Minimizing Fouling in the Convective Zones

Boilers Designed, Manufactured, and Stamped According to ASME Code Sec I
National Board Registration

Fully Automatic Control System with State-of-the-Art Equipment Making Operation, Monitoring, and Control an Easy and Enjoyable Experience

Unbeatable combustion system and auxiliary equipment that guarantee compliance with environmental standards.

Unbeatable combustion system and auxiliary equipment that guarantee compliance with environmental standards.

Imagen principal Sistema de optimizacion energetica v2 8

Energy optimization system.

To optimize combustion in boilers, we develop the most efficient system by collaborating with experts and using advanced techniques. We redesign each component to ensure maximum energy efficiency in biomass boilers.

Below, we present the components designed in this process.

01. | Fiber injection system

02. | Traveling grate

03. | Combustion chamber

04. |Secondary air

05. |Optimization equipment

06. |Emission control systems

Biomasses from African Palm Oil Extraction

At VR Ingeniería, we use biomass generated from African palm oil extraction to meet all the energy needs of industrial processes, eliminating additional CO₂ emissions. Our solution maximizes energy efficiency and reduces the carbon footprint, reaffirming our commitment to sustainability.

Among the reusable biomasses from this process are:

Rachis or Empty Bunches

Icono de fibra azul


Icono de cuesco azul

Husk or Shell

Other Types of Biomass:

Pellets 8


Cascarilla de cafe 8

Coffee Husks

Bagazo de cana 8

Sugarcane Bagasse

Cascarilla de arroz V2 8

Rice Husk

Boilers of High Quality

Our boilers meet the highest quality standards, providing exceptional reliability and durability.

Our Valuable Cliente Portfolio

Here is a brief list of clients who have trusted our expertise and quality in boiler development:

Contact us

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¡Contact us! We are ready to help you.


Sistema de Inyección de Fibra

Gracias al modelado y diseño computacional, logramos la quema eficiente de fibras livianas en suspensión y una distribución homogénea de la fibra sobre la parrilla.

Parrilla Viajera

Diseñada específicamente para una operación continua, automática y con mínimo mantenimiento, este sistema permite que la biomasa tenga el tiempo de residencia necesario para una quema completa.

Hogar de Combustión

Utilizando técnicas avanzadas de simulación térmica y mecánica, optimizamos la forma y dimensiones para maximizar el área de transferencia y evitar la presencia de ‘fouling’ en zonas convectivas.

Aire Secundario

La más reciente Innovación de nuestro sistema de optimización energética es la adición de aire secundario de forma precisa para generar una combustión ciclónica.

Equipos de Optimización

El aprovechamiento del calor residual presente en los gases de combustión es vital en la reducción de consumo Energético. Para ello, hemos diseñado un economizador compacto con tubería aleteada de fabricación especial, que reduce la temperatura de salida en la chimenea.

Sistemas de Control de Emisiones

En línea con nuestros esfuerzos de transformación energética y reducción del impacto medioambiental, hemos diseñado e implementado sistemas de filtración de alta eficiencia que incluyen filtros de mangas y multiciclones. Estos sistemas complementan nuestro diseño, que ya reduce significativamente el flujo de gases por kilogramo de vapor suministrado.

Caldera de Biomasa para Alta Presión

Capacidad25 – 40 t/h
PresiónDesde 30 a 40 Bar (435 – 580 Psi)
Vapor generadoVapor sobrecalentado 450°C
Tipo de Construcción Acuotubular

Se pueden quemar todas las biomasas, pero generalmente trabajan con:

  • Fibra
  • Cuesco o cascarilla
  • Raquis o racimos vacíos
Equipos Incluidos

Economizador + Sobrecalentador

Apta para cogeneración eléctrica

Caldera de Biomasa para Media Presión

Capacidad10 – 30 t/h
PresiónDe 10 a 30 Bar (145- 435 Psi)
Vapor generadoVapor sobre calentado 260°C a 300°C
Tipo de ConstrucciónPirotubular (1 Paso) + Acuotubular

Se pueden quemar todas las biomasas, pero generalmente trabajan con:

  • Fibra
  • Cuesco o cascarilla
  • Raquis o racimos vacíos
Equipos Incluidos

Economizador + Sobrecalentador

Apta para cogeneración eléctrica

Caldera de Biomasa para Baja Presión

Capacidad10 – 20 t/h
PresiónHasta 10 Bar (145psi)
Vapor generadoVapor saturado
Tipo de ConstrucciónPirotubular (2 pasos) + Acuotubular

Se pueden quemar todas las biomasas, pero generalmente trabajan con:

  • Cascarilla de cafe
  • Bagazo de caña
  • Cascarilla de arroz
  • Pellets

Equipo Compacto y Versátil